U Meta Quest 3 and Logitech Pen this is a stack that is about controllers...
meta quest 3 paired pen projects built with unity using meta's library and logitechs project file speedrun starting with untiy hub already isntalled with an editor. using the latest v1.0 project files from Logitech. assuming a computer that has already speed build a quest 3 app using unity 6
the github logitech mx ink page has loose references.
speed order of operation
extract project into new (renamed folder) unity hub - add project from disk ignore editor version mismatch (2022 vs unity6) and use android platform verify run device is found in project tab, open the Main scene player settings - other - switch minimum api level to 10 (29) ... bil hit build and run at this point and it works - there is no passsthrough or left controller visibility - this is just the app that lets you draw in the air.